Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wrath of the Titans is coming in March. It looks like fun, with a variety of new or mythical creatures.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Friday, December 02, 2011
Gay Movie Review: Buffering.
The makers of Shank and Release change the tone for this funny British import. Boyfriends Seb and Aaron take drastic measures to save their finances, at the risk of ruining their relationship.
British filmmakers Christian Martin and Darren Flaxstone previously collaborated on the dark and disturbing drama Shank, followed by the ethereal and even darker movie Release. They completely change the tone with Buffering, a racy comedy about long-time boyfriends in a financial bind.
Overspending becomes a problem for boyfriends Aaron (Conner McKenzie) and Seb (Alex Anthony). Even after cutting up their credit cards, they might lose their car, and even their home. Aaron tries the extreme measure of taping their intimate moments for paid internet viewing, but doesn’t tell Seb.
Seb finds out, and their desperate scheme soon involves their handsome next-door-neighbor (Oliver Park as Mitch), their sexually ambiguous friend (Jessica Matthews as Gem), and an adult novelty store. From there, it all gets too crazy for Seb.
Despite some tears and the timely parallels to the real-life global recession, the plot stays light-hearted and playful. The band Nancy provides some fun songs and conveniently appears for a performance at the store.
Most of the scenes take place in or near that store or the boys’ home, though some of the more touching scenes involve Seb leaving those confines. Thanks to a funny script and good casting, viewers should enjoy seeing if it all works out.
Fans of sexy but sweet gay comedies like Longhorns or Trick can add Buffering to their list of repeated DVD viewing. Fortunately, the British accents are never too hard to understand.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Please read about The Acorn Stories and my free eBook, Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Visit YouTube to see the new trailer for The Acorn Gathering: Writers United Against Cancer. Movie and book critic Amos Lassen has reposted Living In A Small Town, his review of The Acorn Stories.
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Lubbock Online: Tech to participate in worldwide simultaneous performance.
Tech Announce: Standing On Ceremony: The Gay Marriage Plays.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Here are some 2012 science fiction trailers.
Alcatraz Series Premiere Promo Video.
Touch - Trailer (HD) starring Kiefer Sutherland.
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance - Movie Trailer (2012) HD.
Underworld: Awakening 3D - Movie Trailer (2012) HD.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
“A must read.” –StoneWall Society.
“An incredible book.” –Rainbow Reviews.
“A fascinating scifi excursion.” –gay author Ronald L. Donaghe.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
GenreBuds’s mission is to connect readers with books and friends in fun and effective ways. By using color coded genre tags/bubbles, GenreBuds allows users to quickly and easily see what other members like to read, and befriend them as “buds” to be kept up-to-date on all genre-related books.
Moreover, to encourage the thrill and adventure of reading, GenreBuds uses ribbons and points to reward members for contributing to the site. It is well known that books open new doors in life. Genrebuds believes in spreading literacy and in recognizing all members who help make its online community a vibrant and interactive network for readers around the world.
Please click on the following tags for more resources.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, October 08, 2011
More information:
Updated FaceBook wall posts:
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Read the review.
Selected Poems includes the gay love poem “Home,” the strange story of “The Gardener,” and the comical “Angels and Razors,” as well as thirty other poems.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
uGO: Latest Science Fiction and Fantasy TV Stories.
eGuides.Com: Fall 2011 US Prime-Time Broadcast & Cable TV Schedule .
MovieFone: Science Fiction Movies Coming Soon.
Sci-Fi Movie Page Upcoming Movies.
Cybermage: The New Season for Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans.
Cybermage: Fall and Winter Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Recommendations.
Blastr: Zombies, Jedi and more in 19 returning sci-fi shows.
Blastr: New and Cancelled Shows.
Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Glossary for Degranon and Sons of Taldra
I don’t actually use all these terms within the books, but they served as part of the imagined worlds for me.
The planets.
Valchondria: Earth, but in another dimension. Its one-world government consists of the Maintainers, the Supreme Science Council, and Leader. Valchondrian, adjective.
Degranon: Valchondria’s only colony. They follow an ancient holy book, Degranon, which provided the name of their religion and their Valchondria-class planet. Degran, adjective.
Wah-edge: a planet that appears in Sons of Taldra, Chapter One.
The terms.
Breathed enough exhaust: fed up. That’s all I can take. Refers to hovercraft fumes.
Ceiling trunks: magnetic storage units.
Clean-ups: custodians.
Colonization: ended 1000 years ago. Valchondrians no longer allow outside contact.
Colorsighted: able to see in color, something the virus prevent in most people. The Maintainers force colorsighteds to hide their ability, because they supposedly want special rights or to disrupt society.
Commanche: Natives.
Control: the leader of a Degran circle/province.
Core rules: most basic laws.
Cosmetic healer: someone who gives facial modifications. A plastic surgeon.
Cradle: Africa, from references to that continent as the cradle of civilization.
Credit box: the Valchondrian version of a debit card, actually worn at all times as a belt buckle. Might include other apps. The Maintainers also have a communication device in their credit box. Instead of money, people keep their earnings at a credit bank.
Creen: a hot, stimulating beverage, high in anti-oxidants. Like an artificial tea.
Credit boxed: recorded as having used one credit box for a particular purchase, leaving an electronic trail.
Crumbled/rusted: crazy, senseless, useless. Common slang.
Danger speak or danger thought: something one might get into trouble for saying, or that simply might offend others.
Declaration of Legally Permitted Language: a sort of politically correct constitution. Not used in Sons of Taldra.
Dethua: tree that provides ugly, soundproof wood with green swirls. Used in construction and as a slow-burning heat source.
Disrupter: a trouble maker.
Docle: one of the few flowers left on modern Valchondria. Its stem makes great bread, while its big white blossoms (real or plastic) often appear in floral arrangements or in women’s hair.
Facial modifications: see Cosmetic healer.
Forgiveness: sorry.
Fully hidden: classified.
Gidalin: Australia. Aborigines accounted for most of the population until Valchondria became more mobilized.
Given name/chosen name: Parents give their child a name at birth. People choose a name when they become married. In most formal titles and settings, people use one’s given names. However, some (including Taldra) hate their given names and insist on their chosen name. No surnames or family names. Degrans call their parents Mother and Father, but modern Valchondrian children refer to their parents by chosen names.
Glide: skim through, usually in reference to wallscreen messages or channels.
Glory: used by Valchondrians as hello and goodbye. Also, some say “by glory” to express surprise or annoyance.
Gossip masters: tabloid media.
Gratitude: thank you.
Grav-free: adjective. Obvious meaning.
Gredga chips: a popular, sweet snack. Available freshly fried or processed.
Hand machine/palm machine: portable computer, but not interconnected with the Wall System.
Hasten: hurry.
Heavy cryptic: mysterious or intentionally vague.
Heavy hazard: dangerous, thought-provoking, or controversial. Something to avoid.
Heavy honor: flatter, compliment, or provoke gratitude. Not as formal as it might sound.
Hiliate: According to Jase-Dawn’s mother, “Hiliates were giant, six-legged creatures that walked on their back four legs but ran on all six legs. They were remarkable creatures, and they never attacked people, but they were hateful toward each other, and rather putrid in their odor.” The term “Son of a hiliate” is an insult or expression of anger.
Holo-casing: holographic wrapping paper for presents.
Holo-casting: illegal use of 3D images, for the purpose of protests or deceptions.
Holo-list: a list to receive holo-ads that spring from one’s credit box. Credit banks rent out the list and allow their system to be used for this purpose, but they only target the rich.
Hover: drive. Also, hovercraft, hoverbus, hoverfumes.
Injia Provina: Europe and Asia.
Iroquois: Natives. Watch for my blog entry about why Taldra’s family is Iroquois.
Largely: very, as in “That’s largely heavy hazard.”
Leader: the president of Valchondria is referred to simply as Leader.
Letherns: small canines.
Life mirroring: a life sentence to a prison of mirrors.
Mallwalkers/mallwalking. Mall shoppers/shopping. Not the same as elderly Americans who walk malls before the stores open.
Maintainers: people who, because of a specific genetic structure, see themselves as genetically superior. They serve as Valchondria’s police, judges, and juries. Uniforms are black and/or gray, listed here in order of ascending rank.
- Trainees (first-year officers): solid gray, except for black headband.
- Lieutenant: gray with black stripe down left arm. Black headband.
- Captain: Thick black stripe down the front. Black headband.
- Capital guards wear solid black suits and protect government officials. No headband. Rank equal to captain.
- General: gray uniform with black arms. No headband.
- Admiral: Two slanted black stripes down the front of shirt. Gray headband.
Mind relaxants: pain killers or sedatives.
Mind surge: flashy and trashy entertainment or propaganda. Dredge.
Morning lounge: room in a rich person’s home, with artificial trees, etc. that create a mock nature environment.
Move your feet this way: “come here” or “hurry.” Also, “Move your feet that way.”
Mohicans: Natives.
Naadloosh, alien shapeshifters. Watch for my blog entry about the Navajo influences on Sons of Taldra.
Navajo: Natives.
New Gidalin: New Zeeland. Aborigines from Gidalin colonize this previously uninhabited island.
North and South Edge: In modern Valchondria, North and South Poles. In the time travel sequence, earlier people saw North Edge as starting around what we would call the Canadian border.
North and South Turtle: North and South America. Inspired by Native American term Turtle Island.
Note: listen, mark my words.
One length: six feet.
The Power Holders: privately-owned company that owns the environmental regulators, the water supply, and the power plants, but not the Wall System.
Pressure Tournament: basketball meets Trivial Pursuit and holograms. Both books include references to it. Played in school. Click here for a deleted scene that involves this game: DuaneSimolke.Com: Pressure Tournament: Scene cut from Gay SciFi Sons of Taldra.
Recognize: think of, consider, understand, or acknowledge, as in “Recognize his efforts” or “I recognize that.”
Red-skinned people: people we might see as Native America, First Nation, American Indian, or the member of a particular tribe. The family at the heart of both novels is red-skinned. Similar terms refer to other ethnicities. I realize that the skin colors my characters refer to aren’t precise or entirely accurate.
Re-filter: mock, overanalyze, misinterpret, or insinuate. Also used in a more literal sense, as in “Re-filter that static-filled broadcast.”
Rock spiders: self-explanatory.
Same-gendered, both-gendered, op-gendered: reference to gender attraction, as in one is attracted to one’s own gender, both genders, or the opposite sex. Gay, bi, heterosexual.
See your aim/see my aim: understand, get the point, get the message.
Side that: never mind.
Solar/lunar: AM/PM.
Speak clearly: don’t equivocate. Also, “I speak clearly.”
Svey stone: a malleable, light-weight stone, initially used for making lamps.
Truthfully: honestly. Often used sarcastically, defensively, or just in explanation.
Two or twenty times: too often, or at least, it seems that way.
Undermall: an area beneath Valcine with illegal drug sales, illegal holo-casting sales, and most of Valchondria’s walkway people (homeless) population. Also used as an adjective for anything black market or otherwise illegal, as in “How undermall” or “drug undermall.”
Up-link wallscreen: upload to a wallscreen. Use hyphen.
The Uubsoov: alien race that attacked Valchondria’s second ship of colonists a millennium ago. (Sometimes called the Uubsoon.)
Valcine: the center of Valchondrian life—essentially, New York City. Valcini, adjective.
Verbal patterns: familiar and safe phrasings or arguments. Talking points.
Vid-chip: video stored on a small, square chip.
The virus: a manufactured illness that supposedly stops illness and delays aging. Besides slowly turning against the human body, it also causes most people to not hear certain musical tones and not see in color.
Vrix: a luminous rock, sometimes found in stalagmites and stalactites.
Walkway: side walk.
Walkway people: homeless people who congregate in Valcine. All other cities have banned walkway living, but Valcine’s size and structure foster it.
Walkway term: street talk.
Wallscreen: a system of video screens, run by the Wallsystem Conglomerate, that provide communication, news, and collected messages, as well as constant entertainment. Also used as a verb, as in “Wallscreen it to me.” Sometimes shorted to screen as a noun or verb.
Wallscreen houses: adults-only video establishments.
Wallscreen room: aka video room. Living room.
Winter plague: early name for influenza.
Read more about Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure and Sons of Taldra. Note: the earlier working title for Sons of Taldra was Worried.
Entry revised 9/29/16.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Gay Movie Review: Finding Mr. Wright
A weekend retreat with his train-wreck of a client might lead to love for a Hollywood manager. Matthew Montgomery produces and stars in this romantic comedy.
Matthew Montgomery (Back Soon, Socket) stars as Clark Townsend, a Hollywood manager who finds himself in a weekend retreat with several amusing characters. Unfortunately, the weekend revolves around Clark’s mess of a superstar client.
Gay viewers might recognize Rebeka Kochan from her comical roles in Homewrecker, Fishnet, and the Eating Out films. Here she plays Eddy Malone, a popular actress whose heavy drinking keeps interfering with her career. Eddy’s publicist TJ (Socket’s Rasool J’Han) tries to convince life-coach Pearce Wright (The Lair’s David Moretti) to help Eddy. Eddy agrees to attend Pearce’s retreat with Clark and TJ, but more people from their circle come along, including Clark’s ex-lover.
Clark keeps missing Pearce’s advances, with constant misunderstandings and conflicts marring the weekend. Worried about Eddy’s drinking, and that TJ will give up on her, Clark seems unable to think about starting a new relationship.
With a beautiful wilderness setting, an attractive cast, and constant awkwardness, this romantic comedy provides an enjoyable retreat for its viewers. Montgomery produced Jake Helgren’s screenplay, and Nancy Criss directed. Fans of Montgomery’s other films should enjoy this one as well.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Please read about The Acorn Stories and my free eBook, Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Saturday, July 02, 2011
For readers…
Half off these eBooks through July 31, 2011 at Smashwords:
Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure. Gay-themed scifi!
Holding Me Together, fighting bigotry and promoting pride.
The Acorn Stories. Comedy, drama, and closet cases in a small town.
For writers…
From Publishing Basics, 3 Things You Can Do Offline to Drive Online Sales.
From author and publisher J. M. Snyder, Cheap & Easy Ways to Market Your Book Online.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Movie Review: Children of God
Overlapping stories in the Bahamas involve anti-gay bigotry and other attitudes that keep the characters from happiness. Kareem Mortimer’s award-winning film challenges homophobic views while revealing breathtaking scenery.
Writer/director Kareem Mortimer expands his short film Float into a candid look at homophobia, sexism, and violence in the Bahamas. Despite the sometimes sad or brutal content, he creates a beautifully photographed film.
An art teacher sends the talented but creatively bland artist Johnny (Johnny Ferro) to the island of Eleuthera, where she wants him to explore obscure and evocative landscapes. Instead, he finds the alluring and captivating Romeo (Stephen Tyrone Williams).
Johnny, though obviously gay, includes a fear of physical contact among his many phobias. Romeo won’t give up on Johnny and wants him to experience the joy of floating in the beautiful tropical water. Soon, their limited touching becomes something more. Unfortunately, Romeo isn’t as brave or out among other people, which quickly complicates their relationship.
Lena (Margaret Laurena Kemp) spouts anti-gay bigotry even more vehemently than her husband, the pastor Ralph Mackey (Mark Richard Ford). Van Brown also plays a pastor, but one who provides a voice of moderation and compassion.
Kareem Mortimer casts all the roles perfectly. The actors all give natural performances that reveal a variety of fears, attitudes, hopes, and concerns. He also chooses his locations perfectly: the settings provide flashes of wonder and beauty amid a sometimes troubling collection of intermingled storylines.
By raising questions and allowing his characters to counter hateful attitudes, Mortimer creates a film that can spark much needed dialogue in the Bahamas and around the world. Children of God has received fourteen awards. Read more about it at the Children of God home page. Watch the movie at YouTube.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Please read about my small-town fiction collection The Acorn Stories and my free eBook Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The brilliant scientist Taldra loves her twin gay sons and thinks of them as the hope for Valchondria’s future, but one of them becomes entangled in the cult of Degranon, and the other becomes stranded on the other side of a doorway through time. Can they find their way home and help Taldra save their world?
Degranon: Kindle eBook
Excerpt: We’re Glad Our Son Is Gay
Excerpt: The Maintainers Arrive
Degranon: Reading Group Questions
Book Trailer 1
Book Trailer 2
Gay Science Fiction Worlds
Gay SciFi for Canadian Readers
Gay SciFi UK
Gay Science Fiction at
Friday, May 20, 2011
Gay Movie Review: Violet Tendencies (Revised 3/2/25)
Violet enjoys the admiration of her gay friends but also wants true love. Her attempts lead to funny situations in this Casper Andreas film.
Director Casper Andreas and writer Jesse Archer (both from A Four Letter Word) team up for another comedy, this time playing supporting roles in a film that stars Mindy Cohn as a woman who spends her time with a large group of gay friends. Cohn, known first as Natalie from TV’s The Facts of Life but now as a stage and voice-over performer, carries the movie well with her bluntness and charm.
Archer’s script relies on a mixture of comic timing, awkwardness, and crudity, but mostly just likeable characters. In fact, even the meanest or most manipulative characters evoke sympathy or win over the audience in some way. Unfortunately, some of the scenes feel too desperate in attempts to make the audience laugh or care.
As Violet, Cohn keeps trying to find love through the dating site Frisky Friends. Her gay friends shower her with attention, but she begins to wonder if they hold her back, especially after a new suitor (played by Armand Anthony) enters the scene. Her dates provide some of the film’s biggest laughs, but they also reveal how she tends to sabotage her chances at fully connecting with someone.
The film rarely gets too deep or serious, looking instead at some of the more outrageous antics of its characters. However, it reveals how much friends can mean to each other. The other roles also receive loving treatment from the actors, including Marcus Patrick as a well-grounded go-go dancer. Samuel Whitten and Adrian Armas are both in relationships that take discomforting directions. Kim Allen plays a snobbish but funny co-worker who doles out advice to Violet. Randy Jones of the Village People also appears in a likeable role.
Andreas and Archer followed up Violet Tendencies with a film adaptation of Going Down in LA-LA Land. Novelist Andy Zeffer explored Hollywood in that gay-themed novel.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Please read about my small-town fiction collection The Acorn Stories and my free eBook Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure.
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Degranon: A Gay-Themed Science Fiction Adventure. “A must read.” – Joe Wright, for StoneWall Society. “A reminder of the danger of fanaticism.” –Mark Kendrick, author of Stealing Some Time. “Duane Simolke's latest offering is a fascinating scifi excursion into a world as unique as his singular vision.” –Ronald L. Donaghe, author of Cinátis. “This is an incredible book about the human condition and how one person striving for the good can, in the end, be a source of change.” –Rainbow Reviews.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Description: 15-year-old Wanda Windsor is not the most popular student at Hecate High. In fact, amongst her fellow witches, the fairies, the shifters, the vampires, and the werewolves, she's one of the least popular students. However, she never thought anyone hated her enough to try attack her. During her sophomore year someone uses mind control on other students to force them to hurt Wanda, and she manages to just barely escape each attack. Wanda isn't sure who would want to hurt her, but she's fairly certain it has to do with the introverted new student who has visions of the future.
When she isn't dodging death, Wanda spends her time trying to pass Geometry, avoiding (unsuccessfully) the subject of boys, and getting into mischief with her friends.
Visit and her blog Musings of a Writer.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Sunday, April 03, 2011

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book includes some great passages for reading aloud. She captures her love for words, books, and writing.
View all my reviews
Monday, March 21, 2011
the official Code Talkers site. These Native American heroes dumbfounded the Nazis by creating a secret code based on the Navajo language.
Google News: Code Talkers.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
My West Texas fiction collection The Acorn Stories has received another four-star review at GoodReads.
Read the reviews of TAS at Kirkus, Amazon.Com, GoodReads, (2nd edition), and (1st edition).
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Writing Sons of Taldra, back when I called it Worried
I just combined Chapters 24 and 25 of Worried. The scenes in that newly combined chapter set up the nonstop action that carries readers through the rest of the novel. Contrasted pacing has been an important part of Worried, with quiet scenes often set between action scenes, light scenes between darker ones, and romance between tragedy. That counterbalance keeps adding to the intensity. It also makes the reading more unpredictable.
Earlier this week, I added a new scene, with one of the minor characters reflecting on some of the more disturbing elements within the storylines, while also finding comfort in the arms of a friend. Sometimes, I find a need to add or expand scenes, because—as a reader—I often wonder about the responses and impacts of certain events on the characters. These scenes can connect the characters, events, emotions, etc. to each other. It helps make the story more involving and run more smoothly. Connections seam the narrative together and keep it cohesive.
Monday, March 14, 2011
I’m still revising Worried and will probably continue for most of 2011. Worried is my first novel to write from scratch. The others started as short stories that I kept expanding over the years.
After starting with an outline, I wrote Worried’s thirty-three chapters over the past few years. Of course, the final version might contain more or less chapters.
I hand wrote each chapter, later revising them as I typed them. Revisions of each chapter continued, between writing new chapters.
With all of them finished, I went back and added more scenes. One conflict, for example, ended too quickly, so I rewrote that scene. Leaving the resolution incomplete led to new scenes that, I think, provide some of the novel’s most exciting moments.
Worried’s final chapters strayed from the outline, as I knew they might. Some of the relationships between characters also developed in ways other than what I had imagined. I stay open to possibilities. An outline provides a helpful roadmap, but it can always go in the glove compartment—or out the window—in favor of something better.
Other revisions from here largely involve word choice, clarification, and description. They also stress consistency with the novel’s brief timeline, and with the first book in the series.
Will there be more in the series? I would like to write at least one more. I love these characters, and this new book develops them much more, making me want to explore what happens to them next. I might think I know, but I won’t find out until I write it.
For more, see Chapter 1 Draft at Goodreads and Worried Teaser, Spoiler Alert.
Click on the Worried tag below, to read more about writing Worried.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
The video's description page includes several links for learning more about the actors.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
According to the their statement, “The League of Extraordinary Writers is a group of debut YA authors who write science fiction and dystopian works. The five of us have works that run the gamut of near-future mind control to far-future space travel, but they do have one thing in common: a future where the Earth we know now is twisted, gone.”
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The novel Hero involves a gay teen who joins a group of superheroes. I had written an extremely brief review of Hero, which follows.
I grew up loving DC Comics superheroes, so I enjoyed the many nods to them here. Hero pokes a little fun while playing homage, but it also explores the "secret life" themes in engaging ways.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Read the review, Rethinking Gertrude Stein.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Today's book excerpt involves two gay men in love.
Some recent authors at Love Those Excerpts...
Jules Bennett
Joey W. Hill
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by Lori Foster
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L.L. Foster
Sandy Sulivan
Susanne Saville
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Sam Cheever
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Eve Knight
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Jean Hart Stewart
Carolina Valdez
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
We Shall Remain: PBS Series
Native Languages of the Americas: Preserving and promoting American Indian languages
The American West: Native Americans
Kid Info: Native Americans
Native Americans in North Georgia: Moundbuilders, Creeks, Cherokee, Trail of Tears... American Indians
Google Timeline for Native Americans
Google News for Native Americans
Native American Chart
Texas Indians
Native American Lore Index Page
Native American Cultures
November is Native American Heritage Month
Native American Legends: First Owners of the American West
Native Tech: Native Technology and Art
Indian Country Today Media Network
To read more, click on the Native American tag below.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Stomping on Yeti: 2011 Debuts: Science Fiction
Stomping on Yeti: 2011 Debuts: Fantasy and Steampunk
Fantasy & SciFi Lovin' News & Reviews: Most Anticipated Books of 2011
I’ve just finished the second draft of Worried: A Science Fiction Adventure, the sequel to Degranon. I will probably spend most of the year revising it, but hope to see in print in 2012, if not sooner.
Readers and writers, please visit the Goodreads discussion New Science Fiction and Fantasy Books in 2011. Which new scifi or fantasy books are you looking forward to in 2011? If you're an sf/f author, do you have any stories or novels coming out this year? Join the discussion to share.
Also from Goodreads, Indie Books - 2011 Releases in Paranormal Fiction and Science Fiction for 2011.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Holding Me Together features many of my poems (including the gay love poem Home) and essays (including the multi-part essay Reactions to Homophobia).
One reader will win a free eBook PDF on Feb. 15, 2011. Contest details.
The contest involves my January 14, 2011 blog entry.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
“This is an incredible book about the human condition and how one person striving for the good can, in the end, be a source of change.” –Rainbow Reviews
“DEGRANON is sci-fi that warrants the attention of any serious aficionado, gay or straight, fascinated by alien worlds that mirror our own world.” –William Maltese, author of Beyond Machu
Use the coupon code TE82T to save half off the eBook of Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure at Smashwords. Expires 2/15/11.
Monday, January 10, 2011
SciFi/Fantasy 2011, Part 2:
From Blastr (SyFy):
- How Spielberg's Falling Skies aliens will be DIFFERENT
- 55 Movie Trailers
- Pics from Spielberg’s Terra Nova
- SciFi/Fantasy Novels
- 11 TV Shows We’re Looking Forward to in 2011
- 11 Movies We’re Looking Forward to in 2011
Mad Hatter’s Bookshelf & Review: Looking Forward to 2011 Science Fiction Novels
io9: 55 Science Fiction & Fantasy Movies to Watch Our for in 2011
io9: Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction & Fantasy Television in 2011
Click the tags below for more.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Gay Movie Review: Role/Play
Writer/director Rob Williams created a holiday classic for gay viewers with his comedy Make the Yuletide Gay. For Valentine’s Day, they might enjoy his February 2010 release Role/Play.
A sex tape outs soap opera star Graham Windsor (Steve Callahan of East Side Story, Make the Yuletide Gay, and Nine Lives). He hides away at a gay resort, run by the wise but somewhat prudish Alex (stage and film actor David Pevsner). His quiet weekend becomes anything but quiet, thanks to gay marriage activist Trey Reed (Mathew Montgomery of Long-Term Relationship, Socket, and Back Soon).
Trey, also a recent victim of scandal, sees Graham sunbathing and quickly begins exchanging barbs with the closeted actor. They both see the other as betraying gay causes and acting hypocritically. Their age difference also affects their perspectives, with forty-year-old Graham representing the lingering effects of old Hollywood and Trey representing a more out-and-proud young activism. Even though he plays a smaller role, Alex adds more depth to the film by representing an older generation of gays and their struggles. All three men remain handsome and likeable, despite their moments of bitterness.
Of course, romance develops between the two leads, even while their debates over gay issues threaten to turn them into enemies. In a few spots, those debates drown out the natural rhythms of storytelling, and the two lovers sound like they’re reading essays out loud, instead of carrying on a conversation.
Still, given their backgrounds and current situations, it seems realistic that these two men would constantly argue about gay issues. Even amid the fighting, the chemistry between real-life couple Montgomery and Callahan comes through on the screen. They both work well as romantic leads.
In supporting roles, Brian Nolan and Jim J. Bullock deliver laughs and some surprising insights, while Matthew Stephen Herrick helps provide one of the film’s big surprises. Overall, Rob Williams delivers yet another satisfying film about the lives and loves of gay men. His passion and his sense of humor make his projects appealing.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Also for Valentine’s Day (or whenever), please read this Gay Love Poem.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Waking Up Is Hard to Do. Medical, musical humor from the Laryngospasms.