Friday, April 29, 2011

Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure
My books are now available in eBook formats for Nook, Kindle, and many other eReaders. Most of my books are still available in print, but eBooks account for the majority of my book sales now.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Germany: Books for German Readers. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Classics, Humor, Gay, LGBT, Queer Studies, Self-help, Religion, Religious, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Tolerance, Freedom, Civil Rights, Equality, Conflict Resolution, Peace, Ethnic, Disability, Cancer, Cultural Studies, Degranon, Holding Me Together, The Acorn Stories, Selected Poems, German Literature, German History in English, German History in German, German Travel in English, German Travel in German, German Cooking in English, German Cooking in German, Popular Books in Germany, Popular DVDs in Germany, Popular Music in Germany.

Degranon: A Gay-Themed Science Fiction Adventure. “A must read.” – Joe Wright, for StoneWall Society. “A reminder of the danger of fanaticism.” –Mark Kendrick, author of Stealing Some Time. “Duane Simolke's latest offering is a fascinating scifi excursion into a world as unique as his singular vision.” –Ronald L. Donaghe, author of Cinátis. “This is an incredible book about the human condition and how one person striving for the good can, in the end, be a source of change.” –Rainbow Reviews.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Poetry fans, aspiring poets, and/or romantics might enjoy the blog Love Poem for Him, where Joan shares advice about how to write poems for a boyfriend or husband. She also posts videos of love poems for him (including one of my poems), and might eventually post some of her own poems.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Book Announcement: The Misfit of Supernatural High (Supernatural High Series) by Shawn C. Sproatt, illustrated by Anastasia Cooper.

Description: 15-year-old Wanda Windsor is not the most popular student at Hecate High. In fact, amongst her fellow witches, the fairies, the shifters, the vampires, and the werewolves, she's one of the least popular students. However, she never thought anyone hated her enough to try attack her. During her sophomore year someone uses mind control on other students to force them to hurt Wanda, and she manages to just barely escape each attack. Wanda isn't sure who would want to hurt her, but she's fairly certain it has to do with the introverted new student who has visions of the future.

When she isn't dodging death, Wanda spends her time trying to pass Geometry, avoiding (unsuccessfully) the subject of boys, and getting into mischief with her friends.

Visit and her blog Musings of a Writer.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Another resource for readers and authors, Red Room, “where the writers are.” The site helps readers find books, while helping writers find support, advice, and new readers. Please visit my Red Room profile.
Reposted book review: Living in a Small Town: The Acorn Stories (short fiction).

Sunday, April 03, 2011

One Writer's Beginnings (The William E. Massey Sr. Lectures in the History of American Civilization)One Writer's Beginnings by Eudora Welty

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book includes some great passages for reading aloud. She captures her love for words, books, and writing.

View all my reviews