Sunday, December 29, 2019

HALLELUJAH - A Circus/Queer Film [Gay Love, Hate & Religion.]

A film by Matthew Richardson, @circusspinner. I've watched more of his films on YouTube, and they feature amazing dancers exploring themes that affect the queer community. This one also features a powerful cover of Leonard Cohen's classic. Click through the video to watch it on YouTube and read Matthew's comments.

Please also visit Reactions to Homophobia, here at this blog.

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Gay SciFi Special Opportunity

Readers can save 30% off the eBook Sons of Taldra: A Science Fiction Adventure at Smashwords until Jan. 8, 2020, using the coupon code DQ23C. That novel features a diverse cast in an alternate reality, protecting the human home world from alien shapeshifters.

#QueerSciFi #LGBTQbooks #WeWantDiverseBooks #SciFiTrailer