This week, Witchblade, Gay DVD’s, Gay Love.
SciFi Wire reports that Michael Rymer will direct Witchblade. The new film version of the comic isn’t related to TNT’s Witchblade TV series. Rymer, a director and producer for Battlestar Galactica, recently completed the SciFi Channel pilot Revolution.
My quick thoughts on some new or recent DVD’s follow. Watch here for a link to my detailed review of In The Closet. Long films, short review—short film, long review; it’s almost like irony.
2 Minutes Later, a new film from Robert Gaston, feels like a pilot for a TV series, though definitely not commercial TV. While this suspense movie only becomes truly suspenseful in a few scenes, it provides plenty of humor and eye candy.
In the Blood, another gay thriller, goes for creepiness, and finds it. This movie relies heavily on atmosphere and violent imagery, crossing into the realm of horror, or supernatural thriller. It involves a gay man who wants to protect his sister from a campus killer. I enjoyed In the Blood, but I probably wouldn’t watch it repeatedly, after learning the plot twists.

Back Soon, a film I mentioned here recently, also involves supernatural elements. Gay-film fave Matthew Montgomery (Socket) plays a man whose life intertwines with a stranger’s life, at a time of change. This is a nice, quiet, love story, with a little bit of action and a lot of heart.
Montgomery also recently appeared in the gay romantic comedy Long-Term Relationship. The comedy doesn’t always work, but the romance definitely makes Long-Term Relationship worth the short-term commitment of watching.
Some upcoming DVD releases: I Dreamt Under the Water, Oh Happy Day, Torchwood: The Complete Second Season, Derek, and Will & Grace: The Complete Series Set.
Essays and poems from Holding Me Together continue to garner attention in the blogosphere. Mc Dull and Darby’s blog looks at the meaning of the gay love poem Home.