Sunday, November 08, 2020

Gay in Lubbock, Texas? (Entry updated 11/18/20) In August of 1997, I started the online newsletter Rainbow: Lubbock (originally as Hub Triangle). It filled a void for gay Lubbock information on the Web. Much more capable Web page designers later filled that void, so I stopped writing R:L in July of 2007. Please turn to the following pages for finding or promoting information of specific interest to Lubbock LGBTs. If you notice mistakes, omissions, or outdated material, please contact the sites with those problems and/or the people who would have submitted that material. Keeping community-based Web sites up-to-date demands a lot of work and a lot of community input. Dallas Voice Equality Texas Lubbock PRIDE Metropolitan Community Church-Lubbock Facebook Page OUTwest Lubbock PFLAG-Lubbock This Week In Texas (twit) For more resources, please click on the labels that appear just after this entry. Share buttons also appear there.