Monday, June 25, 2012

Fat Diary, Part of The Acorn Gathering.

A West Texas librarian makes fun of herself and the other people in her town, while writing about her reasons for wanting to lose weight.

Pamela Mae Willard must learn to love herself. Still, she can’t resist laughing about her problems, and about the adventures of the colorful characters in Acorn, Texas.

This irreverent, politically incorrect tale reveals a woman finding joy in life, no matter what happens to her and no matter who mistreats her.

This short story appears in The Acorn Gathering. Some of its characters also appear in The Acorn Stories.

Categories: humor, comedy, short story, fiction.

Keywords: Duane Simolke, fat diary, weight loss, fat, humor, comedy, satire, West Texas, Texans, Lubbock authors, writers, politically incorrect, e-books, eBooks, fiction, fictional towns and cities, short stories, Sordid Lives, Tuna, gay, ex-gay, exgay, small-town, small town, rural, chick lit, women’s fiction, Acorn.

Blog entry updated 9/28/16.