Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gay-Themed SciFi Book

On the planet Valchondria, no illness exists, gay marriage is legal, and everyone is a person of color. However, a group called “the Maintainers” carefully monitors everyone’s speech, actions, and weight; the Maintainers also force so-called “colorsighted” people to hide their ability to see in color.

The brilliant scientist Taldra loves her twin gay sons and thinks of them as the hope for Valchondria’s future, but one of them becomes entangled in the cult of Degranon, and the other becomes stranded on the other side of a doorway through time. Can they find their way home and help Taldra save their world?

Visit the Goodreads Degranon page to discuss diversity-themed scifi.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

SciFi Preview Continues at Goodreads

After a romantic moment between Telius and his boyfriend, we learn the shocking truth of how the Maintainers keep down health-care costs. Sons of Taldra, Chapter 3.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Jupiter Ascending -- Trailer -- Official Warner Bros.

A new scifi epic from the Wachowskis, with Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis. The effects look great!

Gay Movie Review: Tell No One (Come non detto).


In this Italian comedy, a gay man can’t manage to come out to his family. His boyfriend plans to visit them and share his plans for marriage.


Mattia (Josafat Vagni) can’t force himself to tell his Italian family he’s gay. He tries, but one of them makes a homophobic remark or changes the subject.

Mattia’s friends in Rome know he’s gay. Mattia plans to move to Madrid to start a new life with his boyfriend, Eduard (Jose Dammert). After an embarrassing confrontation between Eduard and Mattia’s father, Eduard pressures Mattia to come out to his family.

When he lies by saying he finally went through with it, Mattia accidentally helps create a situation where Eduard might stop by to ask the family for Mattia’s hand in marriage. The comedy keeps increasing from there.

Director Ivan Silvestrini and screenwriter Roberto Proia use nonlinear storytelling, with the basic plot happening over a day but constant flashbacks informing viewers of what led to the current problems. In many cases, Mattia’s own insecurities and self-loathing obviously contributed to his not coming out even more than anyone else’s cruelty or insensitivity. However, that cruelty and insensitivity both occur often.

This constant mixture of past and present evokes a sense that Mattia keeps finding himself in a repeating situation he needs to resolve. To paraphrase U2, he got stuck in a moment and couldn’t get out of it. Some viewers will find the structure annoying or confusing. While I got lost a couple of times, I still think the heavy use of flashbacks was a good choice.

All the characters suffer from flaws, some more than others. Yet the actors give all the characters depth and humanity, making viewers understand why Mattia would care about them and what they think of him. Tell No One is in Italian, with English subtitles.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Please also read about THE ACORN STORIES.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Review of the Gay Short Film Collection Green Briefs.


This collection features five award-winning short films about gay males and their families. The tone and subject matter vary within that concept.


Guest House Films continues its series of gay short film collections. Green Briefs is not only my favorite in the series but also one of the most consistently strong short film DVDs I’ve seen. Each feature won critical praise and multiple awards separately. Together, they explore various ways family affects the lives of gay boys or men.

Pride. Director Marc Saltarelli presents a tale of contrasts, starting with a character played by Pauley Perrette of NCIS fame. After too much time tirelessly caring for her father, she asks her brother (Stephen, played by Perry Laylon Ojeda) to take over for a while. Because of their house’s location on the gay pride route, Stephen and his partner are hosting a big pride party. Stephen’s resistance stems from something other than a busy day, though. He can’t stop remembering when his father kicked him out for being gay, even if Alzheimer’s might keep his father from remembering.

The Commitment. Written, directed by, and starring Albert M. Chan, this drama examines the raw emotions of an interracial couple trying to adopt a newborn baby. They both want everything to work out and both worry about causing or facing disappointment. A mixture of cultures and a few sad moments can’t stop a hopeful undercurrent or the chemistry between Chan and co-star Jason Lane Fenton. Expectant mother Victoria (Kerri Patterson) wants to grant their dream of an Asian baby but the plot takes surprise turns.

Shabbat Dinner. Directed by Michael Morgenstern, this film takes a much lighter tone than the rest but still brings out family drama. It also looks satirically at hypocrisy. A teenager gets stuck entertaining another teen while the grownups visit, drink, and argue. The two teens learn more than they expected about each other and go much further than they expected.

Kimchi Fried Dumplings. This film from writer/director Jason Karman overlaps with some of the other stories, in terms of certain themes and elements. It involves a gay Asian man who drifted away from his family after breaking up with his boyfriend. He returns for Christmas, only to find that his younger gay brother now resents him for not being there to help their aging parents. While I enjoyed all the Green Briefs selections, I especially loved some of the tender moments in this one. The understated performances make it work.

The Symphony of Silence. Written and directed by San Antonio native Cedric Thomas Smith, this disturbing drama reveals the cycle of bullying. Each high school bully finds ways to justify his actions, often giving into pressure from others who mistreat or might mistreat him. The family angle comes from the fact that one of the victims is the brother of one of the aggressors. He lives in fear of taunts and violence both at home and at school.

Rob Williams, co-founder of Guest House Films, put together a treasury of stories that complement each other and challenge viewers to think about what family means for the gay community. The resulting DVD is entertaining and thought-provoking.

Green Briefs is distributed by Guest House Films.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Please also read about Fat Diary and The Acorn Stories.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Working on Sons of Taldra Chapter 4

Long-range sensors detect something moving toward the human home world. Taldra fears an old enemy will return. This chapter contains more humor than most of the other ones, but it also starts the build toward the invasion.

SciFi Gay Science Fiction Satire Gay Marriage

Monday, November 11, 2013

Triple Crossed Gay Movie Review.


A gay man falls for his potential assassin in Sean Paul Lockhart’s directorial debut. A script by Linda Andersson offers constant surprises.


Sean Paul Lockhart, formerly known under the pseudonym Brent Corrigan, stars in and directs a gay thriller. The action takes surprising turns throughout, with betrayals that justify the film’s title.

Soldier Chris Jensen (newcomer Jack Brockett) returns from Afghanistan broken. Jackie Tonwsend (Laura Reilly) seizes upon his desperation by asking him to kill Andrew Warner (Lockhart), the boyfriend of her deceased half-brother, Tyler. Her beauty and sexual advances won’t work on Chris, but he needs money and a home.

He orchestrates encounters with Andrew, and the attraction between them quickly ignites. The mixture of romance and danger helps keep the movie unpredictable, along with the constant plot twists. Flashbacks to Afghanistan reveal much more about the characters and their motivations.

Tellier Killaby plays Andrew’s best friend, Kendra. She tries to help him move on from Tyler’s death. Killaby’s performance not only provides humor and some touching moments but also lets us see Andrew’s vulnerability and fears.

One scene near the end might make viewers ask, “How could he not see that?” I can’t say which scene without giving away part of the ending. Still, most other disbelief can easily remain suspended amid the fast-paced thrills, great-looking cast, and slick production.

The script by Linda Andersson puts openly gay characters in action roles, instead of just showing them as victims or comic relief. It also provides consistent excitement.

Chad Siwik (pronounced Civic) provides music for the soundtrack and performs during a scene set in a bar. Siwik’s polished dance style fits well here. His video for Love Crush appears on the DVD and includes scenes from the film.

Music Video From Chad Siwik:

Sean Paul Lockhart’s film credits include Welcome to New York, Judas Kiss, Chillerama, The Big Gay Musical, In The Closet, and Another Gay Sequel. He will appear in the upcoming thrillers Truth and The Dark Place. He is also writing his autobiography, Incorrigible.

Viewers who enjoy Triple Crossed might also like the films of director Ron Oliver, especially his Donald Strachey Mysteries.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Please read about Sons of Taldra: A Science Fiction Adventure, Fat Diary, and The Acorn Stories.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Monster Pies Gay Movie Review.


This Australian import from writer/director/producer Lee Galea reveals the fear and confusion of gay first love in an unsupportive environment. Tristan Barr and Lucas Linehan give a tender and realistic performance as the young couple.


Set in Melbourne, Australia during the 1990s, this drama reveals the romance and danger of gay first love in a hostile environment. I suggest it for fans of Beautiful Thing, Edge of 17, Get Real, and Watercolors, or just anyone who relates to coming out stories.

Mike (Tristan Barr) usually hangs out with his friend Jenine (Katrina Maree). She has a crush on him, and he’s not out to anyone—maybe not even himself.

The school bullies fling the usual homophobic taunts at Mike, but he finds male companionship with the new kid in town, Will (Lucas Linehan). The chemistry ignites immediately between them, though Will initially resists it. Both boys come from difficult home lives, and neither seems equipped with confronting their feelings.

Since they need to develop a project based on Romeo and Juliet, they draw from their love for old monster movies. The film’s title refers both to those films and to Mike’s memories of his brother.

The script leans toward tragedy, but with funny, tender, or inspirational moments. Without giving anything away, the story ultimately becomes hopeful. The two male leads give a tender and realistic performance, bolstered by a strong supporting cast. Writer/director/producer Lee Galea delivers an emotional story with well-developed characters.

The DVD includes Lee Galea’s short film Karmarama, which centers on some of the same themes as Monster Pies.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Please read about Sons of Taldra: A Science Fiction Adventure, Fat Diary, and The Acorn Stories.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

News from Gay SciFi Site doorQ about the Upcoming Thriller THE DARK PLACE

Shoreline Entertainment Acquires World Rights to THE DARK PLACE.

"The film focuses on Keegan Dark, a troubled young man cursed with the uncanny ability to remember his life in videographic detail. He returns to his family’s wine estate, boyfriend in tow, to make amends with his estranged mother, only to discover a conspiracy that frames him for murder and threatens his family’s lives and livelihood."

Read more at doorQ.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

New Movie With Oscar Buzz

Dallas Buyers Club tells the true story of a Texan who refused to let HIV stop him from living a meaningful life. He found a way to help people with HIV/AIDS receive unapproved treatment. Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, and Jennifer Garner star.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Video Science Fiction Has Received Over 2000 views at YouTube!

Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure. Winner of a StoneWall Society Pride in the Arts Award.

"Revenge," by Plain White T's, used by permission.

Video Text:

For centuries, the Maintainers gained power and reinforced bigotry with their constitutional amendments and their superior strength.

Our parents thanked the Supreme Science Council for giving us the virus that protects us from illness, even though it also took away most people’s ability to see in color or hear certain musical tones, and even though it might pose even greater threats.

Meeting in secret, the man we know as “Leader” gave his allegiance to violent religious fanatics from the planet Degranon.

We stared into our wallscreens while we lost our freedom.

In teaching us not to question or think for ourselves, our government made us easy targets for the Degran invasion.

Now, the battle for freedom begins.


“This is an incredible book about the human condition and how one person striving for the good can, in the end, be a source of change.” –Rainbow Reviews.

“A must read.” –Joe Wright, for StoneWall Society.

“A fascinating scifi excursion.” –Ronald L. Donaghe, author of Cinátis.

“Rent” – Review by Lauren Estlinbaum

Lubbock, Texas: As expected, I loved the local production of Rent. I also came across a review that captures it well.

I would recommend this production to anyone.--Lauren Estlinbaum

Read her review at The HUB @ TTU.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Gay Marriage Proposal in SciFi Adventure

Jase-Dawn cocked his head.

Telius quickly added, “Still listening.”

“He needed to take his mind off the seizures. Remember those machines at Argen’s party, the tonal androids that light up and play songs for children?”

“I loved those!” Telius tapped his boyfriend’s right knee. “Whatever happened to them?”

“The SSC just donated them to our schools. We’re adding music programs back to the curricula!”

“That’s great! I can’t believe they were ever cut.”

“We can thank your mother and the SSC for getting them restored. But can we talk about something else?”

“Like what?”

“Like us.” Jase pointed at Telius and himself. “Over the past year, I’ve thought constantly about the day I’ll gain Valchondrian citizenship, and no longer be considered a Degran spy. Now that day is almost here.”

“Yes. You wrote it on the holo-calendar…with sparkle font.” Telius winked, his nose still trying to pull him to the kitchen. But he wondered if Jase-Dawn was about to ask a question that involved one of the benefits of finally becoming Valchondrian.

“Telius, will you become married with me?”

“I knew it!” Telius exclaimed, wide eyed.

Jase-Dawn scrunched his nose. “That was actually a yes or no question.”

“And you already knew the answer! Of course I’ll become married with you! How many people find the perfect spouse, the person they always want to be with?”

Jase-Dawn’s fists clenched in glee as Telius leaned over to kiss him.

Excerpt from Sons of Taldra, Chapter 3.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Full Performance of "Seasons of Love" from "The Quarterback" | GLEE .

"Past and present glee club members perform 'Seasons of Love' from the RENT soundtrack."

A local production of Rent just started here in Lubbock. I love the movie and the DVD recording of the play's final Broadway performance, but I've never seen Rent live. Coincidentally, the most popular song from it appeared on Glee this week, in the episode that pays tribute to Cory Monteith.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gay-themed science fiction. First chapter free at Goodreads.

Even an alien invasion can’t stop Telius from marrying the man he loves.

Sons of Taldra, Chapter 1

Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech University’s Department of Theatre & Dance presents RENT

"October 10th through 13th and 17th through 20th on the Maedgen Mainstage, located at 2812 18th Street between Boston and Flint Avenues. Curtain times for the 2013-2014 Mainstage Theatre season are 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sundays.

"A pop cultural phenomenon with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences, with book, music, and lyrics by Jonathan Larson and directed by Dr. Linda Donahue, RENT is loosely based on Puccini’s La Boheme and follows a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in New York’s Lower East Side under the shadow of the HIV/AIDS crisis."

Read more from TTU.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Gay Movie Review: Tumbledown.


This Todd Verow film involves a dangerous love triangle on a quiet mountain. Differing perspectives offer viewers a sometimes-disturbing experience.


Prolific filmmaker Todd Verow (Bad Boy Street) directed this twisted thriller, based on actual events. He co-wrote the screenplay with one of his co-stars, Brad Hallowell. Jay (Verow) visits a gay bar on a slow night and chats up the handsome bartender Rick (Hallowell). Jay mentions that the cute blonde Mike (Brett Faulkner) is his boyfriend. The three men get along immediately, partially because Rick agrees to sell them drugs.

Jay soon invites Rick to join them at a cabin on Tumbledown Mountain, and to bring more drugs. Rick eventually gives in, but his attraction to Mike quickly brings more than one kind of tension to the weekend. Drugs, alcohol, and desire mix in varying degrees for each man.

Despite some light or romantic moments, this film often becomes explicit and disturbing. Mike’s second visit to the mountain turns darker, to say the least, and the different characters see the events in different ways. In fact, the movie basically restarts twice, shifting the point of view. Instead of repeating the same events exactly, the narratives contradict, overlap, or fill in gaps.

Verow sometimes lingers too long on scenes of driving. However, his beautiful depictions of the local landscape provide a striking contrast to the film’s more sinister moments. Of course, the camera mostly focuses on the three men.

Verow gives a sometimes charming and sometimes creepy performance as Jay, while the other two actors let their characters reveal sides that Jay fails to see. It all works together to form an unpredictable tale.

The DVD includes deleted scenes, as well as an alternate ending. I actually prefer the alternate ending and think it ties the film together better, without wrapping everything up too neatly. Then again, choosing one ending over another seems as natural as choosing which of the film’s three perspectives to believe.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Please read about The Acorn Stories. “A lush tangle of small-town life branches out in this engrossing collection of short stories.” -Kirkus Reviews.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Featured Book: City of the Mirage

A book by Jerome Brooke.

Astarte is one of the last of a dying race. Eons ago her people sailed to the stars and seeded many worlds with life. One of these worlds was that of the Warrior.

The City of the Mirage is ruled by the Divine Astarte. She has called the man who comes to be called the Conqueror to her service. Astarte was born on our own world.

Astarte rules a vast empire of the multiverse. Her race seeded many worlds with life over the eons. The Conqueror leads her legions to victory in a war against forces led by her brother.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

New coverage for Texas Tales of Comedy and Drama.

Meet scared newlyweds, scheming neighbors, and a supposedly ex-gay mayor.

Andi’s Book Reviews

ViRT News

Read past reviews at Kirkus, Amazon.Com, GoodReads, (2nd edition), and (1st edition).

Saturday, September 07, 2013

It's time for science fiction to face up to discrimination.

From The Guardian:
"Science fiction loves a good paradox. Here's one for you: how can a genre that dreams up alien cultures and mythic races in such minute detail seemingly ignore the ethnic, religious, gender and sexual diversity right here on the home planet, here in the real world?"
Read more: via @guardian. #Diversity #Scifi #Degranon #Race #Women #StrongWomen #PeopleOfColor #GayScienceFiction #Characters

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Writer/director Rob Williams Making Gay Murder Mystery

Guest House Films, led by writer/director/producer Rob Williams and producer Rodney Johnson, will soon begin production of a gay murder mystery in Tampa, Florida. Out to Kill will involve gay men in a loft complex. They find a detective to help solve a murder there. Williams has planned a surprise ending, as well as photography that takes advantage of the tropical setting.

Guest House wants to enlist the financial assistance of viewers in making the film. Rewards include a mention in the credits, a DVD, a chance to pitch a screenplay, product placement, and much more, depending on the amount invested. Visit to learn more.

Many filmmakers have turned to Indiegogo and similar sites to connect with their viewers and make low-budget films possible. For example, J.T. Tepnapa used Kickstarter to help fund Judas Kiss and the upcoming thriller The Dark Place. A search of the word “gay” at Indiegogo.Com or Kickstarter.Com reveals several intriguing projects.

Out to Kill will be the seventh film from Guest House. Besides collaborating on their own works, partners Williams and Johnson have also released the documentary The Doctor’s Wife and two short film collections. Click the following links to read my reviews of three movies they made.

ThisWeekInTexas.Com: Make the Yuletide Gay

ThisWeekInTexas.Com: Role/Play

ThisWeekInTexas.Com: The Men Next Door

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Monday, August 05, 2013

Sons of Taldra, the First Three Chapters

The people of Valchondria face danger from one of their protectors and from an alien race of shapeshifters.

This novel takes place in the present, in an alternate dimension. Valchondria (Earth) had advanced to space travel but then banned it and stopped advancing. Degranon was a Valchondrian colony, and part of the reason for the ban.

Sons of Taldra is a stand-alone sequel to my published novel Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure. Watch for the first nine chapters to slowly appear online, leading up to the June 2014 release of the complete eBook.

Spoiler alert! The chapters after Chapter 1 reveal plot details from Degranon.

Most of the characters are people of color, and several of them are gay. However, I’m writing this novel for anyone who enjoys science fiction or fantasy. Native American storytelling inspired my depictions of the shapeshifters.

Sons of Taldra, Chapter 1 Draft

Sons of Taldra, Chapter 2 Draft

Sons of Taldra, Chapter 3 Draft

Keywords: gay scifi, sci-fi, science fiction, adventure, gay marriage, Degranon, Duane Simolke, Native American, First Nation, African American, black, Arabic, Indian, Hispanic, people of color, strong women, female leaders, space travel, health care, shapeshifters, aliens, teen heroes, new adult, diversity, social issues, alternate reality

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

SistersTalk Radio Covers Common Law Marriage, Gay Marriage, and Civil Unions

Only 9 US States Recognize Common Law Marriage from SisterTalk Radio, a lesbian online program that covers issues of interest to lesbians, gay, bisexuals, and the trans community. In this podcast, they discuss how banning gay marriage affects common law heterosexual marriages, and they break down gay marriage or civil union laws in different states.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Mat Nastos

The Official Mat Nastos Website includes videos, featured books, comic book marketing advice, and much more from the prolific science fiction author and filmmaker. Indie Book Spotlight: Degranon.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Author Interview: SciFi/Fantasy Author Nadine Ducca

"Serving Time is a sci-fantasy chase across the solar system as Tristan and Eneld Cross attempt to escape from the supercompany StarCorp and start an anonymous life on Earth. During their voyage, they’ll discover that someone—or something—else is after them, and there are much larger threats out there than StarCorp."

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bringing Attention to Your Book

Florence Osmund offers a helpful guide to Promoting and Marketing Your Book, including tips, resources, marketing products, and Web sites.
Unless you’re a celebrity, famous author or just an exceptional writer who caught some lucky breaks, you will have to spend more time than you had originally planned marketing your books.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Newly Revised SciFi Chapter

Preview Sons of Taldra, Chapter 1 Draft at Goodreads. Taldra and her twin sons must face new dangers to their world, both from one of its protectors and from outer space. I’ve just revised the chapter again, adding more tension at the beginning. I also renamed the aliens with a nod to the Native American folklore that inspired their creation. I shortened the Navajo shapeshifter name from Yee Naaldlooshii to Naadloosh. In earlier drafts, my changelings were called the Uubsoon, then the Uubsoov.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Featured eBook: Selected Poems.

“Thoughtful and moving poetry.” –Leona L Lee, author of Taxing Tallula. Read the review.

This short eBook includes the gay love poem “Home,” the strange story of “The Gardener,” and the comical “Angels and Razors,” as well as thirty other poems. These works also appear in my longer anthology Holding Me Together: Essays and Poems.

During July 2013, Smashwords offers Selected Poems for free, using the coupon code SSW50. Visit my Smashwords Author Page for details about my other books there. The coupon code also gives a 50% discount on my books Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure and The Acorn Stories during the promotion.

Complete list of poems in this book: Chasing Seagulls, Home, Album, Children in the Streets, The Gardener, Friday Afternoon Spectrum, Reception, second year, Angels and Razors, Separated, Faces, Songs In Sign Language, Forgotten, Higher Education, Family, Ex-Gay? Part I: Cocoon, Ex-Gay? Part II: The Ex-Me Movement, Ex-Gay? Part III: Who Does God Hate?, The Escape Artist, Daughter, The Same Lips, Pharisee, Anne Bradstreet, Bareback, Cycle, Cross, Two Rapes, Rainbow, Elephant on an Opera Stage, Detour, Editing, Process, Haiku.

Keywords: Gay pride, Gay romance, Gay men, Gay poem, Gay poems, Gay poetry, Gay poets, writers, Gay marriage, War, Social issues, Bible, Religion, Love poems, Story poems, Humor, Satire, Homophobia, Exgay, Ex-gay, Friendship, Diversity, Poetry, American poets, Lubbock poets, Texas poets.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The OUT List, Gay Life, Upcoming Book

HBO Documentary.

Synopsis from HBO: “Alternately humorous and poignant, The OUT List features a diverse cross-section of accomplished leaders from entertainment, business, sports and public service sharing intimate stories on childhood, understanding gender and sexuality, building careers while out and reflecting on the challenges still facing the LGBT community. Against the backdrop of historic Supreme Court hearings on same-sex marriage and financial equality, subjects recall joyous moments of acceptance and romance, along with painful instances of intolerance and discrimination, offering unique modern perspectives on being out in America.”

Book News.

In Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure, gay marriage is legal, and everyone is a person of color, but the Maintainers control our words and weight. Watch here for more details about Sons of Taldra, the upcoming sequel to Degranon. It involves the Maintainers, an alien invasion, and a big gay wedding. I finished a draft quite a while back, but continue to add or expand scenes. Sons of Taldra draws inspiration from current events and Native American folklore, while revisiting some of the surviving characters from the first book.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Book Talk

In Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure, we stopped racism and homophobia, but face government surveillance of our weight and words. scifi 1984 free speech

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Featured Author: Tista Ray.

Melancholic Delight Melancholic Delight.

Book Description:

‘There’s no love like the first love. There’s no feeling like the desperation to attain true love. Love or lust matters not when two eyes meet, uniting the souls at once’

It’s this love which frees Sri from the reign of darkness and makes her heart rise to lofty heights of anticipated passion with no one to pull her back to reality. It’s Jishu, who appears as the first ray of hope in her overshadowed life and showers her with the ultimate sense of freedom, which she has been craving for. He fills her life with the long awaited perfection. To a flawed person he appears as the flawless. He becomes one among her most perfect acquaintances, but is he really as unblemished as he appears to be. If so, can a flawed person risk a life with the flawless? Do opposites really attract each other or it deviate them from their normal avenues of life?

It’s a deeply compelling love affair which takes the readers back to their childhood memories and brings back to them the essence of true love.

The changing relations of a man’s life add force to the much ordinary teenage passion. The book is not just about love. It’s about a journey called life which either ends in melancholy or in delight.


The Official Website of Tista Ray includes book reviews, author interviews, a blog, and many more features for readers and writers.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Watch the Skies SciFi Short

Watch the Skies from Ben Davis on Vimeo.

"The short was produced to tease a feature length screenplay covering more about the Halo, Energia, and Clayton's investigation into the disappearance of John Brownlee." With Adam Hagenbuch (Perks of Being A Wallflower) and Jake Abell.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Pacific Rim - Official Main Trailer [HD]

As if there weren't enough big summer 2013 movies, this new science fiction thriller from director Guillermo del Toro looks like a lot of fun.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Music Review: Sir Ari Gold

Gay singer Sir Ari looks back at his inspiring career of dance music. These remixes present an artist who can have fun and challenge judgmental attitudes at the same time.

Read my review at ThisWeekInTexas.Com.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Gay Movie Review: Mixed Kebab


With an arranged marriage looming, Turkish bachelor Bram falls in love with handsome blond Kevin. This imported film involves clashing cultures and changing lives.


Now available in the United States from TLA Releasing, this imported film takes place in Antwerp and Turkey. Bram (Cem Akkanat) faces pressure from his Turkish parents to marry his 18-year-old cousin Elif (Gamze Tazim). His parents pretend not to know about his homosexuality, while Elif just wants a more glamorous life.

Bram’s brother Furkan (Lukas De Wolf) skips school with his friends and gets into trouble. He also complicates Bram’s life, threatening to out him to their parents.

The family lives in a community that not only requires knowing multiple languages but also requires them to walk between differing, conflicting cultures. Modern and traditional coexist, but not always in harmony.

Bram becomes enamored with Kevin (Simon Van Buyten), a handsome blond who runs a chip shop with his mother. As the marriage draws closer, so does their relationship. Bram and Kevin share a hotel room in Turkey, with Bram splitting his time between two people who might change his life.

While those complications grow, a radical Islamic group pulls Furkan into their influence and uses him to help pressure their neighborhood into following Sharia law. The diverse worlds in this engaging film soon collide.

Despite how the plot sounds, Mixed Kebab usually leans more toward comedy and romance than tragedy. That adorable picture on TLA’s movie poster comes from one of the light, romantic moments. Writer/director Guy Lee Thys gives dimensional portraits of human beings trying to live their lives and their convictions honestly, even when those lives and convictions seem to threaten each other.

Mixed Kebab is in English, Flemish, Turkish, Dutch, French, and Arabic, with English subtitles.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Please read about The Acorn Stories. “A lush tangle of small-town life branches out in this engrossing collection of short stories.” -Kirkus Reviews.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Cool Casting News

The upcoming indie film Big Gay Love stars Jonathan Lisecki from Gayby and Nicholas Brendon from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Top 100 Marriage Equality Blogs

At Gay Dating Blog, Joseph Atkins blogs about LGBT relationships and dating, suggesting links to his readers. He recently added links for the Top 100 Marriage Equality Blogs, in no particular order.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Science Fiction Adventure

I've posted a new Chapter 1 Draft for Sons of Taldra. The people of Valchondria face danger from their protector and from an alien race of shapeshifters.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Dark Place

Blaise Embry (WEEDS) and Eddy Rioseco (PARENTHOOD) will join JUDAS KISS stars Timo Descamps and Sean Paul Lockhart for the thriller THE DARK PLACE. Read about the upcoming gay-themed film at TheDarkPlaceMovie.Com.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Reposted SciFi Adventure Book Review

From a review of Degranon: "It’s a very good story. That’s the most basic thing you should want to know if you’re thinking about reading a book. I have found that within the scarce realm of science fiction written by gay writers, a great deal are quite heavy-handed with the gay aspect at the expense of the story." Read more at I Must Be Dreaming.