Friday, March 16, 2018

Flame.Con: The World’s Largest Queer Comic Con

Gay geeks should love Flame.Con.Org, which runs August 18-19, 2018, in New York. Details from their website include the following: “Flame Con, the world’s largest queer comic con, returns for its fourth year. Featuring a two-day comics, arts and entertainment expo, showcasing creators and special guests from all corners of the LGBTQ fandom. It features thoughtful discussions, exclusive performances, screenings, cosplay and more!”

This is their fourth year. Last year’s FlameCon received considerable coverage from SyFy.Com and other media, as well as praise from attendees. I’m promoting Sons of Taldra as an online sponsor. My FlameCon sponsor page.

Guests this year include comic illustrators and/or comic artists Brittney Williams, Atla Hrafney, Jen Bartel, Tee Franklin, Kris Anka, and Sina Grace. Flame.Con is still adding more guests at this time. Please visit the site to read more about the guests, sponsors, and ways to get involved (or just to sign up for updates). Please support queer representation in the arts.

Please also see my blog entry Sons of Taldra: What is Gay SciFi?
