Monday, March 28, 2022

New SciFi Trailer

This new trailer for Sons of Taldra: A Science Adventure evokes the book cover.

“Refreshingly different, and at its beating heart is some much needed diversity that slots in effortlessly and with purpose.” –Sebastian J. Brook, Doctor Who Online

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Featured Free Writer Resource: SelfPublist.Com

Self-Publist.Com provides free book promotion and book services promotion. A bot also randomly generates tweets about the books at the Self-Publist Twitter account. Details about how to submit your book or service information appear at the site, along with forums and more.

The landing page says, “Welcome to SelfPubList, a resource where you can list your self-published books for free! For those of you that offer services for authors, there’s plenty for you here too. Create a profile, list your services and contact details and engage with the writing community.”

Adam Matlow created the site. He’s also a beta reader and the author of the science fiction novels Fractured and Dark Sentinel.

Please also visit my SelfPublist.Com profile. Thanks for stopping by DuaneSimolke.Com!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

SciFi in March

I'm enjoying Superman and Lois, The Flash, Star Trek: Discovery, and Star Trek: Picard, while wanting to see Halo's premiere.

Limited time offer for a free science fiction read at Smashwords.

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Interview with Texas Artist Becky Blake

Feed My Reads provided a character interview of Becky Blake, one of the residents of my fictional West Texas town Acorn. Becky appears in some of the tales in The Acorn Stories.

Read the full interview, and read about more books, at Feed My Reads: Main Character Interview with Duane Simolke and The Acorn Stories.