Sunday, November 05, 2023

Fanbase Weekly: Looking Back at The Return of the King

J. R. R. Tolkien fans can now listen to the Fanbase Weekly Feature 20th anniversary look at Peter Jackson’s film version of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

Cast members: Jay Sherer (writer – Death of a Bounty Hunter, Timeslingers, co-host of The Story Geeks podcast), Erik Amaya (Editor-in-Chief of, co-host of the Tread Perilously podcast), Paul Pakler (co-host – Paul and Corey Cross the Streams, Quality Time with Family Ties), and Bryant Dillon (Fanbase Press President, The Fanbase Weekly co-host, writer – Something Animal, Identity Thief).

Son of Taldra: A Science Adventure is the November sponsor for the Fanbase Weekly podcast. Sons of Taldra involves a struggle between an alternate Earth and alien shapeshifters.